Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Pleased to see a friend



  1. I didn't realize you had made some posts, great to see you back. Hope you keep going. I also have a few caps I'd love to contribute, if there's some way to reach out.

  2. I hope that it's not insulting to you that I very much wish one of your captions happened to me, I am a trans girl from Poland and I find Asian girls very pretty.

    1. Welcome, my Polish sister; and thanks for commenting (very few people actually write comments). I am glad that you found some delight here, and you are welcome to enjoy the fantasies of my captions. Imagination is so important for life and keeping up hope for all our trans sisters and brothers. Like you, I also wish that some magic could happen for people in this world---it would make life so much more beautiful if people could change and transform! :)

    2. Thank you so much. I didn't expect a response, and especially not a positive one (was expecting to be called an orientalist), but your response made me really happy. It made me tear up.
      Thank you

    3. You know, being trans in this world can be difficult, and it is hard to see the sunlight sometimes. That's why remembering to smile at small things (such as tg captions :) is vital for us to have the spirit to deal with life's challenges. We all need small flashes of joy to crinkle our faces. And don't you worry about being attracted to the Asian female form---many people are, because Asian women can be alluring, and that is the one of the best unkept secrets in the world! :D

    4. I find Asian, especially Japanese Women beautiful, and sometimes wish I was born as one. Once again thank you for your kind and warm response.

  3. A: I'm so grateful to know you've remained Safe... 🥲🙏

  4. So much is changing Karen. She hopes you remain safe & cautious Ms. Winters. Angel is concerned for your well being including the sister hood.


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