Saturday, April 11, 2020

Crossed Out

The turbulence of life has made me be absent for some time, but thankfully I can say that I am fine.  I hope that all of you, sisters and readers and friends, are staying safe and finding some small happiness to help make each day bearable, even if the world around us seems to be going crazy. 

Be well, take care, stay bright! ^^  💖 -K


  1. I love it! Simple concept (love the witchcraft angle), with some lovely little flourishes!

    1. Thanks, Sally! It's always so nice to know that you found the caption pleasing. ^^ I had a little hiatus due to life's vicissitudes, but hopefully I'll be more active again soon. Wishing you well and happy Easter!

  2. Getting a witch angry and having her feminize me? Been there before :p

    Hope you are doing well, Karen!

    1. Heee, thanks Chelle, and that's funny! Someone really should write a how-to manual for ticking off witches. ^_^ I'm glad to see that you have been posting pretty prolifically, and I hope that means you and family have been well. *hugs*

  3. Hope things are going a lot better! I will end up staying in a hotel at some point again, though I would be more likely to do it if I had Diana there too!


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