Monday, April 20, 2020

Now a Millionaire!

Logging on my blog after a tough few weeks, I discover that it has surpassed the one million mark! 😺

Love and mercy triumph over obstacles, and I am lucky to feel that love from the 1 million+ views from readers and friends like you.  Wow!  I can hardly believe it, but a small dream of mine has now come true: hitting the million mark and still going!  When I first started this little caption blog, oh gosh, it was my sister Marti who encouraged me to try to create a special place to share and to keep going even though I was rather frightened and too shy for words.  Marti, you were right when you made me promise not to give up. ^^  And now, thanks to all of you readers from countries around the globe, I feel like a millionaire!  ^_^ 

I am blessed to have you---my friends, sisters, and readers---and to be able to appreciate all the support and positive comments and bits of light from you that have kept me going, here and there and everywhere.  If I could hug you all, I would.  May you all take care and be healthy, wealthy, and wise during these unusual times. 

Stay well, stay kinky. 💖



Sunday, April 12, 2020

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Crossed Out

The turbulence of life has made me be absent for some time, but thankfully I can say that I am fine.  I hope that all of you, sisters and readers and friends, are staying safe and finding some small happiness to help make each day bearable, even if the world around us seems to be going crazy. 

Be well, take care, stay bright! ^^  💖 -K