Friday, November 9, 2018

Shorty (request)


  1. This is just perfect and wonderful! Thank you so much for considering my request :)

    It's really got a different vibe from most of your caps. Did you like it? =)

  2. You and your captions are enchanting.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, and you are welcome to request. It might take me a little time, but if I'm able to I'd try to meet what you've got in mind.

  4. May we suggest photos for a caption?

    1. Yes you may, but no "explicit" photos, please! As a general rule, I don't caption explicit sexual acts (there are other blogs for those), and if nudity is shown it should be at least tasteful and not explicit in nature...that hardcore porn stuff is just not for me or my readers. :P If you want to share a request idea & photo, you can post it here or send to dreamwindmuse(at)

    2. Thank you, I will email you a request or two. You are very kind :)


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