Monday, February 19, 2018

I am alive

My dear friends and readers,

I've been away a long time, and some of you have worried about me, my friends especially.  The truth is, my life has been a kind of Hell for the past few weeks.  It has taken a grave toll on my health and my mind.  That was never my intention, nor was it just an accident.  I have done wrongs, and I have had wrongs done to me.  Karma is the balance.  Right now, I can honestly say that I'm barely holding on.  But even if I'm holding on only by my fingernails, my fingernails are long enough. 😇

I will come back.  I must struggle against the obstacles against me and return to being the Karen that you know, with wings to fly and wind to soar.

Please don't lose faith.  I am alive. 👰

With affection,   - K


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