Sunday, December 31, 2017

You liar


  1. Just discovering your blog. Not sure how often I'll comment (I tend to lurk not comment) but I thought I'd let you know I like what I see so far and look forward to more. ~cal narri

    1. Thank you for commenting! I love the fact that you happened to discover my little blog site (out of the thousands of sites out there), and I welcome you! Come back often, please, and if you comment, it will be a big boost to me as a captioner. This site is new, and it needs comments and suggestions. Please come again. :) <3 karen

  2. I had to read this a few times to understand it. The color changing made me assume this was two speakers, but it appears to be only one speaker. -Jade

    1. Sorry if I confused you, I was just trying out (experimenting) with a new format, but maybe like most experiments, it's not successful on the first try. ;)

    2. The color is now removed. Thanks for commenting. Sorry if my experimentation was a bit off. :S


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