Saturday, October 21, 2017

Hello, world!

Hi, I'm Karen (sometimes called @karen at OTGC).  Welcome to my new blog!

Honestly, I'm a little scared, this being my first blog ever.  I don't know my way around.  But I will carry on, with your support, my dear readers.  What you'll see here are just some random flashes from my mind.

Again, welcome!

My short-term goal is to provide (mostly) Asian TG captions.  I'm both Asian and Asian-American.  But also I'll be imagining and creating some other stuff, hopefully, and maybe tickle one of your fantasies. 😉  I hope these short cap stories of mine will help make you smile.

Okay, now I'm off to create stuff, here and there.  I'd love it if you'd please like and comment and follow! :D


  1. Don't be scared my little sis. I'm sure your blog will be amazing. You have my support just like you supported me and I'm really happy to see more of your work :)

  2. Have recently discovered your blog & will begin reading fr beginning to recent. Welcome! =)


Please leave some comments; I love to hear from readers like you. ^ ^